b体育网页版 news

点击次数:3405 更新时间:2012-11-12


      Thank you!membraPure is a instrument manufacturer, with headquarter in Bodenhaim, Germany. We have a positive global strategy for the marketing of our products.In the past we have a good sale and share in the European and American market. In the future, besides enforcing our share in the mature Euro-American market, we will focus and pay more attention to the developing Asian markets such as China, South Korea.In the past we have a good sale and share in the European and American market. In the future, besides enforcing our share in the mature Euro-American market, we will focus and pay more attention to the developing Asian markets such as China, South Korea.We will develop different instrument available for different request from the different countries, for example, for Europe and American market, our Amino acid analyzer is Aracus, but for China, we modified it to A300, a more accuracy, more precision, better separation instrument, to meet more strict requirements from China market. We will develop different instrument available for different request from the different countries, for example, for Europe and American market, our Amino acid analyzer is Aracus, but for China, we modified it to A300, a more accuracy, more precision, better separation instrument, to meet more strict requirements from China market. Next, our goal is to develop a model with shorter analysis time, lower detection limit, better separation, to meet different requirement from different field.Next, our goal is to develop a model with shorter analysis time, lower detection limit, better separation, to meet different requirement from different field.Thanks again.Thanks again.


b体育网页版在线登录官网 是为了满足中国市场对氨基酸检测的更高要求而改进的一款各项性能指标更加优异的氨基酸分析仪。过去,我们在欧美地区的成熟市场取得了很好的销售业绩及的*。



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电话:010-88285556 传真:86-010-88286237 手机: 联系人:朱经理 邮箱:infobj@membrapurechina.com
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